We have been blessed again with some amazing pictures of our favorite kids from our favorite photographer,
Brooke Ogilvie! The kids had a blast running wild in Baird, Texas while Brooke snapped away and sweet Brittyn slept through the entire shoot.
Braelyn- age 4, Brylee- almost 3 and Brittyn- 6 weeks old
Funny that Brooke captures this little moment below cause I am always telling these girls to "stop biting your nails" and "get your hands outta your mouth"! Classic..
My favorite newborn, Brittyn Hope, in all her sweet sleeping, smiling, pretty hair glory :)
If you know Happy Faith.. this picture below just makes sense! Let me just say.. to know her is to love her! She is more attitude and personality than all the 2 year olds in the world! I've said it a million times but she will change the world one day because the world will never change her!! Every word out of her mouth is hilarious and her heart is made of gold. There has never been a more thankful, grateful child! She tells me every little thing she appreciates over and over and over! You can buy her a drink at Sonic and she will spend the rest of the day thanking me for it. Thank you, Lord, for that grateful heart!

Is there anything more peaceful than a sleeping baby? I think not. Brittyn Hope has filled our hearts with more joy than we ever thought possible! I don't care if you have 20 kids, you are still just as thankful, excited and blessed. She is the perfect addition to our family in her sleepy, sweet spirited way! She is on a mission to prove herself exact opposite of her big sisters and we welcome the challenge. She is paving a new path through our hearts. I'm in love with her!
Here is my itty bitty comedian again below.. :)
And finally, pure blessing in my precious firstborn, Braelyn Grace! Braelyn taught me everything I ever needed to know about being a mom! She wears her heart on her sleeve and her emotions run deep. She loves with all she has.. I feel the exact same way. She is giggles and smiles that can quickly turn to tears and back again in less than 5 minutes!! I love her being, seriously, the best big sister ever. I just know she is going to set the example that we will pray her little sisters will follow. I couldn't be more proud to tell people that I am "Braelyn's mom".
Can I just say there isn't anything more precious than seeing my babies love each other?! Braelyn and Happy think Brittyn is the best thing that ever happened to this world and we think that about all three of them!!
They are best friends. I look forward to the day Brittyn is running and playing with her big sisters! I'm sure they have plenty of
cool things to teach her ;)
The picture of Braelyn with Brittyn below melts my heart. She is crazy in love with that baby!!
I let them throw rocks in the air.. anything for a good picture! lol
I am so thankful for each one of these pictures and I can't wait to see the rest Brooke is preparing for us. She has captures my kids personalities and I know I will look back one day and miss these crazy, sweet days of three little babies. Few people in this world would enjoy three kids ages 4 and under and I am loving every second of it (well, ya know, almost every second lol). My heart is full!
Thanks for listening reading my bragging on my little babies!! :) I am obsessed with these 3 kids!