Well I have had that feeling so much the past few weeks. On top of all the normal stressors of life I kept thinking about Braelyn. My Braelyn. My Braelyn turning two years old. It just doesn’t seem right. My Braelyn was just born the other day. I brought her home from the hospital and she was sleepy and then grumpy. HA. We just had my Braelyn’s first Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, first crawls and steps and her FIRST birthday. Two years later and my Braelyn is saying everything, potty training, learning to sleep in her big girl bed (yes, Braelyn has never slept alone in her life and that’s the way we like it. She sleeps with someone every night of her life and has never slept in a crib cause babies don’t sleep in cages at my house, they sleep with mommy and daddy LOL!!), she’s riding tricycles, learning colors and numbers, singing her ABC’s, jumping off everything and being a two year old.. Sigh. But what an amazing two years it has been. Braelyn Grace has forever changed our lives for the better. She’s hilarious and gorgeous. She’s shy at rare times and wild at others. She’s a fun big sister and entertainer of the family. I’m not one of those moms who wishes their kids were older very often. I like them little and sweet. I like them where I can hold them in my arms until they fall asleep but even I would take things slower if I could turn back the hands of time.
So here we are. I survived the 2nd birthday bash and all the planning and fun. I have a two year old and what an amazing little person she is. And here we go again… Brylee Faith, just grow slow so mommy can catch up :)